Webinar on plasma electrolytic oxidation at Swedish university
Our colleague Frank Simchen will hold a lecture on 22.06.2022 at 10:00 a webinar on plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) within a continuing education series at the University of Jönköping. The lecture and discussion are aimed at potential users and researchers.
In the course of the event, the basics of the process will be explained and the current state of the art and current research trends will be described. The event will be moderated by Dr Maximilian Sieber.
Free registrations are possible under the following link: https:// ju.se/en/study-at-ju/commissioned-education/weblearn/module-3-focus-on-al-surface/light-metal-surface-treatment-for-extreme-conditions---plasma-electrolytic-oxidation.html
16.6.2022 – News of the professorship ( frank.simchen@mb… )