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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

Doctoral Seminar 2021 at the Chair of WOT

The doctoral seminar, which takes place once a year at the Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering, has already been accompanying young researchers on their way to a doctorate for several years. On 12 and 13 July 2021, 14 doctoral students took the opportunity to present the progress of their dissertation topic and then answer questions from their supervisor Prof. Thomas Lampke, invited peer reviewers and the interested audience.

The decision was made in advance to hold the doctoral seminar for a limited number of participants as a face-to-face event at the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (IWW) in the Erfenschlag part of the university, but at the same time to give other interested members of the audience the opportunity to follow the lectures online and participate in the subsequent discussion. In this way, it was again easy to attend the seminar from a mobile workplace or to give the presentation online, which was taken advantage of by an international doctoral student from Turkey.

A concept that had already been successful at previous doctoral seminars was continued: Thus, in addition to the doctoral supervisor Prof. Lampke and the experienced professorship-internal peer reviewers, external „peer reviewers“ were again invited to the lectures at the IWW to ask critical questions and provide valuable advice for further work on the doctoral topic. In conjunction with Prof. Lampke's assessment and suggestions, the peer review concept is found to be very helpful not only by the professorship's own doctoral students, but also by the eight external doctoral students working in various companies and institutes. The focus on the main points, the examination of important but still underrepresented aspects and also the courage to part with topics that do not lead to the desired results are essential prerequisites for a high-quality dissertation. All candidates are now called upon to implement the insights gained in their work.

The close and collegial atmosphere during the seminar was underpinned by a successful evening event at the end of the first day of the seminar, which took place in a rustic pub in the heart of Chemnitz.


Participants of this year's doctoral seminar in conversation during the evening event at the end of the first day of the seminar.

26.8.2021 – Events of the professorship ( )