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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

EXIST research transfer project chosen as prize winner at TUClab - plant commissioning successfully contested

The Project Management Organisation Jülich (PtJ) has been funding an EXIST research transfer project at the WOT professorship since 01.10.2019. In October this year, the project team not only won this year's TUClab competition, but also successfully commissioned the system in front of representatives of the funding body, TU Chemnitz and colleagues from SAXEED.

The Project Management Organisation Jülich (PtJ) has been funding the transfer project „Direct Ultrasonic Casting for a New Generation of Aluminium Matrix Composites“ since 01.10.2019, which is to result in a spin-off from the WOT professorship. The project will create market readiness for low-cost aluminium matrix composites (AMC) suitable for series production and thus lay a foundation for a successful transfer measure. With their innovative idea, the four-member core team with Dr.-Ing. Marcel Graf as project leader was able to convince the jury and secure victory after being invited to this year's TUClab competition and nominated for the final round on 2 October 2020.

With this great success behind them, an official commissioning of the AMC casting plant, which forms the core of the project, took place shortly afterwards on 05.10.2020 as part of a project meeting with the funding body, represented by Mr Dietrich Hoffmann and Ms Sindy Kretschmer. Other guests included Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörn Ihlemann as a representative of the TU Chemnitz rectorate, the managing director of the TUClab competition Joseph Heß and the SAXEED project manager Dr. Susanne Schübel.

Further information can be found in the official press release of the TU Chemnitz at https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/pressestelle/aktuell/10374 .

Further information on Project Management Jülich, which accompanies the EXIST programme, can be found on its website at https://www.ptj.de/ .


The AMC casting plant forming the core of the project at its installation site in the ITC Chemnitz.

19.10.2020 – Projects of the professorship ( )