Materials and industrial applications
The 1st IWW Colloquium was successfully held on 15.11.2019. 100 guests learned about the latest developments on the topic of „Materials and Industrial Applications“ in exciting lectures.
The colloquium took place in the auditorium of the university section „Erfenschlag“. The auditorium was made up of students, staff and former colleagues from the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (IWW) as well as cooperation partners from science and industry. After the opening of the event by Professor Jörn Ihlemann, Prorector for Research and Young Scientists at TU Chemnitz, those present were informed about the news from the IWW since last year by the Executive Director of the Institute, Professor Guntram Wagner. In technical presentations, the participants gained insights into the applications of shape memory alloys, the development of thermal spray torches over the last 10 years and the future of autonomous drives for automotive applications. The colloquium came to a fitting conclusion in a former factory kitchen of the historic Schönherrfabrik in Chemnitz. The event is to be continued in the coming years and contribute to the exchange between alumni, science and industry.
A detailed review and more pictures of the events can be found at the following link:
After the lecture event, the approximately 100 participants of the IWW Colloquium exchanged views in a relaxed atmosphere and strengthened their contact with each other
2.12.2019 – Event of the Institute ( pia.kutschmann@mb… )