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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

The WOT professorship at the Vocational School Centre for Technology „August Horch“ in Zwickau

What does materials technology do in the life of a product? This was the question posed by pupils of a technical school leaving certificate class from Zwickau. It was answered by the WOT together with the school class in an open school lesson on 12.11.2019.

The initiative for this somewhat different school lesson came from the subject teacher for technical lessons of the 12th grade in question. In one of his lessons, the opinion arose among his students that there was surely no one who would see any fun and benefit in phase diagrams. Thereupon, the dedicated teacher promised to look for such a person. He found what he was looking for at the WOT Chair through an entry on the DLR Research Exchange, where the WOT offers its expertise in the field of materials and surface engineering for school lessons.

At the appointment, which was found at short notice, the fully-attended students were then also surprised that their somewhat provocative question could be answered exhaustively on the basis of many application examples from current R & D projects of the professorship. The place of materials engineering at the threshold of chemical-physical fundamentals and component application behaviour was explained and vividly deepened with the help of many detailed questions from the students. The positive response from the class after the scheduled 90 minutes of guest teaching again confirmed the need to bring technical subjects into schools at an early stage and away from standard formats. DLR's Research Exchange offers an excellent platform for active and committed teachers to do this.


Further information:

Vocational School Centre „August Horch“: https://www.bsz-technik.de/
DLR Research Exchange: https://www.forschungsboerse.de/


Image collage:
BSZ August Horch (sources: www.bsz-technik.de, www.forschungsboerse.de)

14.11.2019 – Teaching at the professorship 0 ( )