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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

WOT celebrated its 10th anniversary

After ten years, the Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology can boast remarkable successes in research, teaching and transfer. The WOT image film also celebrated its premiere.

To strengthen the cooperation between science and industry, the Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering invited to the 1st WOT Colloquium on 9 November 2018. The theme of the colloquium was „10 years of the Professorship for Materials and Surface Technology in Research, Teaching and Transfer“. Almost 200 guests accepted the invitation, among them many research and development partners of the professorship, current and former employees of the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, alumni and student assistants. The colloquium is to mark the beginning of a regular exchange of experiences between employees, alumni, business friends and cooperation partners. 

Through their participation, the guests impressively demonstrated that „research, teaching and transfer“ are not just buzzwords, but the lived self-image of the professorship. This was also the opinion of the speakers. In his welcoming address, the Rector of Chemnitz University of Technology, Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier, referred to the importance of the professorship, which is evident from its reputation in the professional society and its key figures, including in the area of publications and third-party funding acquired. In addition, the Rector underlined the contribution of the entire IWW, which, with its basic research, makes a significant contribution to the fact that the TU Chemnitz occupies a top position in the research area of „Materials Engineering“ in the current DFG funding atlas.


Further links:

Full press release: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/pressestelle/aktuell/9134
WOT image film on the TU Chemnitz YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3vbbdQfNEE


Almost 200 guests accepted the invitation of the WOT Chair and were rewarded with interesting lectures and a pleasant evening.

23.11.2018 – Events of the Professorship ( )