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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

Defence of a doctoral thesis

On 22.10.2018, Ibrahim El-Araby Megahed Ali defended his dissertation thesis entitled „Oxidation behaviour of thermal barrier coating system with Al interlayer“.

In his work, Dr. Ali systematically researched the influence of thin, high-purity aluminium interlayers in conventional thermal insulation layer systems. The aluminium layers were inserted between the metallic adhesive layer and the oxide ceramic top layer. On the basis of various evaluation criteria such as oxide formation or the spreading of cracks, Dr. Ali was able to prove through ageing tests at temperatures above 1,100 °C that such layers have a lasting positive effect on the service life of the thermal insulation layers. At the high application temperatures, the aluminium layers partially alitise the adhesive base material, partially oxidise and form stable and dense aluminium oxide layers that act as an oxygen barrier.

The thesis supervisor was Prof. Thomas Lampke. The examination committee and thus among the first congratulators also included Prof. Lech Pawlowski from the University of Limoges, who holds an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at TU Chemnitz, as well as Prof. Lothar Kroll, who supervised the doctoral procedure. Dr Ali's dissertation thesis will soon be available on the Qucosa platform.


Further links:

Thermal Spray Department of the WOT:

Qucosa platform:


Dr Ibrahim Ali after the successful defence in gown and doctoral hat next to the Institute's flag.

6.11.2018 – Personnel of the professorship ( )