Top positions in the DFG Funding Atlas
In the current funding atlas of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), the TU Chemnitz is certified as having outstanding activities in the acquisition of third-party funding. The TU is far ahead in individual scientific fields. For example, between 2014 and 2016, it ranked fifth in Germany in the engineering sciences in terms of DFG awards, with around 676,800 euros per professor. In total, engineering scientists in the Federal Republic of Germany received 39.3 million euros in this period.
In its 170-page report, the DFG goes into even more detail in its subject area analysis: The TU Chemnitz achieved 8th place in the subject area of „Materials Science and Engineering“ and even 4th place in the subject area of „Materials Engineering“ alone. In the subject area of Mechanical Engineering and Production Engineering, the TU Chemnitz also achieved 8th place.
Further links:
TUCdialog July 2018:
Determination of the coefficient of friction and wear test on a coated steel
15.8.2018 – Projects of the professorship ( thomas.lampke@mb… )