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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

WOT and PVW support the TUC Racing Team - roll-out of the racing car "GreenHORNet"

The „Green Hornet” is a racing vehicle developed and realised by dedicated students of the Chemnitz University of Technology. It has been built using a consistent lightweight construction and is equipped with a powerful electric motor. The 50-strong team, which unites all faculties of the TU Chemnitz, invested three years of development time in its racer. Various professorships of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering made the success possible through organisational and practical help. Our professorships WOT and PVW supported the TUC Racing Team by providing office space and a welding workstation - a commitment that we will continue in the future.

In summer 2018, the car will compete in the Formula Student at the Hockenheimring and in Most (CZ). We wish the TUC Racing Team and its Hornet every success!


Further links:

Website of the TUC Racing Team: https://tuc-racing.de/
Website of Formula Student Germany: https://www.formulastudent.de/


The „Green Hornet“ on the day of its roll-out on 24.05.2018

1.6.2018 – Projects of the professorship ( )