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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

MERGEy - Eagerly awaited!

MERGEy makes lightweight construction plausible. Below is a link to the great image film of the Chemnitz Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE, in which the WOT professorship is also involved.


 (Link connects to the Youtube channel of the TU Chemnitz.)


MERGE is the acronym for „Technology Fusion for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures“ and is the first and only federal cluster of excellence in the field of lightweight construction research. The aim of research at the cluster is the fusion of basic technologies suitable for large-scale production from the fields of plastics, metal, textiles and smart systems to develop resource-efficient products and production processes. Over 100 researchers and technicians from a total of six interacting research areas are currently working on the implementation of this project.


Further links:

MERGE website:

29.3.2018 – Projects of the professorship ( )