In-situ diffraction investigation of superelastic NiTi shape memory alloys under mechanical stress with neutrons and with synchrotron radiation (bibtex)

by J. Khalil-Allafi, B. Hasse, M. Klönne, M. Wagner, T. Pirling, W. Predki, W.W. Schmahl

In-situ diffraction investigations of superelastic NiTi shape memory alloys with neutron and synchrotron x-ray radiation were used to examine the evolution of the phase state of the material as a function of stress and strain, respectively. The results suggest that the transition from austenite to martensite is not complete even at the end of the superelastic plateau, and that significant load transfer to residual austenite takes place.
Khalil-Allafi, J., Hasse, B., Klönne, M., Wagner, M., Pirling, T., Predki, W., Schmahl, W.W.: In-situ diffraction investigation of superelastic NiTi shape memory alloys under mechanical stress with neutrons and with synchrotron radiation, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 35, 280-283, 2004.
Bibtex Entry:
  author   = {Khalil-Allafi, J. and Hasse, B. and Kl\"{o}nne, M. and Wagner, M. and Pirling, T. and Predki, W. and Schmahl, W.W.},
  journal  = {Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik},
  title    = {{In-situ diffraction investigation of superelastic {NiTi} shape memory alloys under mechanical stress with neutrons and with synchrotron radiation}},
  year     = {2004},
  issn     = {0933-5137},
  number   = {5},
  pages    = {280--283},
  volume   = {35},
  abstract = {In-situ diffraction investigations of superelastic NiTi shape memory alloys with neutron and synchrotron x-ray radiation were used to examine the evolution of the phase state of the material as a function of stress and strain, respectively. The results suggest that the transition from austenite to martensite is not complete even at the end of the superelastic plateau, and that significant load transfer to residual austenite takes place.},
  doi      = {10.1002/mawe.200400744},
  keywords = {Neutron diffraction, evolution of phase state, residual austenite, x-ray diffraction},
  url      = {},
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