1. Some smallest eigenvalues of a large matrix ================================================ Go to the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection and get out of the DIMACS10 matrix set the "G_n_pin_pout" graph https://sparse.tamu.edu/DIMACS10/G_n_pin_pout https://sparse.tamu.edu/mat/DIMACS10/G_n_pin_pout.mat In this case it is a 100000 x 100000 sparse matrix with 1002396 non zero elements. The rows and columns stands for the nodes and A_ij is set to one if there is and edge from node i to node j. Load this in matlab, you will find a struct "Problem" holding some informations and in Problem.A the adjacency matrix of the graphas a sparse matrix. Use it as A=Problem.A The degree matrix D of a graph is defined as d_i := row sum of row i in A D=diag(d_1 .. d_n) The Laplacian matrix L of a graph is defined as L=D-A Create the matrix L. Have repect for the sparsity of the matrix A. Now compute the 10 smallest eigenvalues of L and determine the number of strongly connected components of the graph by counting the zero eigenvalues. Hint: it should be 6 ;-) 2. QR algorithm without/with shift =================================== Create random full matrices with known eigenvalues, for example lambda_i=i , i=1...n Now perform the QR algorithm with and without shift, compute in every iteration the maximum error of the iterated eigenvalues and plot the convergence about the iterations.