Study in Chemnitz. To know what is good.

[FEM-Logo] [Mathematics]

The Fakultät für Mathematik of the TU Chemnitz
invites to the

21st Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2008

Final Programme

Monday, September 22, 2008
Start at 9:00
09:00 Arnd Meyer Opening
Plates and Shells
Chairman: A. Meyer
Room: “Lichtenwalde”
09:05 Luisa D. Marini A posteriori estimates for discontinuous Galerkin methods for second order elliptic problems
09:55 Linda el Alaoui A finite element analysis of a penalized Koiter model
10:20 Astrid Sinwel Mixed finite elements for thin elastic structures
Tea and coffee break 10:45 - 11:10
Chairman: L. D. Marini
Room: “Lichtenwalde”
Optimal Control
Chairman: R. Griesse
Room: “Augustusburg I”
11:10 Adel Blouza Finite element analysis of an unilateral contact problem Dieter Sirch L - error estimates on graded meshes and its application to optimal control
11:35 Tomáš Ligurský 3D contact problems with given friction and a coecient of friction depending on the solution Gert Lube Optimal control of singularly perturbed advection-diffusion-reaction problems with control constraints
12:00 Peter Gruber A new approach for solving and analyzing problems in elastoplasticity Klaus Krumbiegel Finite element error analysis of a state-constrained optimal control problem with boundary control
12:25 Arnd Meyer Residual based error estimators for deformation problems with large straine Martin Bernauer Towards the optimal control of a one-phase Stefan problem
Lunch break 12:50 - 14:30
Solver Techniques
Chairman: M. Jung
Room: “Lichtenwalde”
Flow Problems I
Chairman: G. Lube
Room: “Augustusburg I”
14:30 Gundolf Haase GPU accelerated algebraic multigrid Petr Knobloch On the stability of finite element discretizations of convection-diffusion-reaction equations
14:55 Herbert Egger Hybrid finite element methods for interface problems Ellen Schmeyer Finite element methods for transient convection-diffusion-reaction equations
15:20 Clemens Pechstein A rigorous analysis of FETI methods for high-contrast coefficients not resolved by the subdomain partitioning Gunar Matthies The one-level approach of the local projection method applied to inf-sup stable discretisations of the Oseen problem
15:45 Kersten Schmidt Asymptotic expansions of highly conductive thin sheets Jan Březina Parallel simulator of saturated porous media with fractures
Tea and coffee break 16:10 - 16:30
hp Methods
Chairman: B. Heinrich
Room: “Lichtenwalde”
Flow Problems II
Chairman: P. Knobloch
Room: “Augustusburg I”
16:30 Sabine Zaglmayr Conforming hp finite elements for pyramids Adela Kindl A variational multiscale method for turbulent flow simulations with an adaptive choice of the large scale space
16:55 Sven Beuchler Multilevel solvers for hp-FEM discretizations in 3D using hexahedral elements Jan Cesenek Finite element simulation of interaction of compressible flow and a moving airfoil
17:20 Martin Huber Hybrid finite element methods for the Helmholtz equation Martin Růžička Finite element simulation of interaction of flow and an airfoil with three degrees of freedom
17:45 Fengwen Wang New contributions to the free energy in the phase-field modeling of CVI Petr Sváček On numerical solution of fluid-structure interaction problems: application on flow in a channel with moving walls
19:00 Conference Dinner
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Start at 9:00
PDEs on Surfaces
Chairman: G. Matthies
Room: “Lichtenwalde”
09:00 Gerhard Dziuk Finite elements on stationary or evolving surfaces
09:50 Nadine Olischläger A two step time discretization of Willmore flow
10:15 Benedikt Wirth Mumford-Shah-based elastic shape averaging
Tea and coffee break 10:40 - 11:00
Chairman: R. Schneider
Room: “Lichtenwalde”
Discontinuous Galerkin
Chairman: G. Haase
Room: “Augustusburg I”
11:00 Elke Ostermann Transient Boundary element method and numerical evaluation of retarded potentials Andreas Dedner hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for convection dominated evolution equations based on an aposteriori error estimate
11:25 Maharavo Randrianarivony Hierarchical surface mesh generation for wavelet BEM solvers Konstantinos Chrysafinos Discontinuous Galerkin approximations for the Navier-Stokes equations
11:50 Catalina Dominguez FEM/BEM-coupling for fluid structure interaction in 2D and 3D Miloslav Vlasak Space-time discretizations for semilinear evolution problems
12:15 Thanh Xuan Phan Boundary element methods for Dirichlet boundary control problems Jaroslava Prokopová Finite element solution of compressible flow in time-dependent domains
Lunch 12:40
14:00 Excursion
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Start at 9:00
FE in Biomechanics
Chairman: O. Steinbach
Room: “Lichtenwalde”
09:00 Gerhard A. Holzapfel Numerical treatments of strong discontinuities within soft tissue biomechanics:
state of the art and challenges ahead
09:50 Oliver Sander Multidimensional coupling in a human knee model
10:15 Leo-Philipp Schmidt Finite element analysis of musculoskeletal loadings
Tea and coffee break 10:40 - 11:00
Error Estimation
Chairman: T. Apel
Room: “Lichtenwalde”
New Developments
Chairman: G. Dziuk
Room: “Augustusburg I”
11:00 Reinhold Schneider Goal oriented error estimators for Hartree Fock and Kohn Sham equations (DFT) Christian Engwer An unfitted finite element method using discontinuous Galerkin
11:25 Thomas Richter Anisotropic splitting of a posteriori errors estimated with the dual weighted residual method Jorrit Fahlke Applying unfitted discontinuous Galerkin to time dependent problems
11:50 Nadine Jung Reduced basis method for quadratically nonlinear transport equations Helmut Harbrecht A finite element method for PDEs with stochastic input data
12:15 Closing
Lunch 12:30