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[FEM-Logo] [Mathematics]

The Fakultät für Mathematik of the TU Chemnitz
invites to the

20th Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2007

Final Programme (Last Change: Sept. 26)

Monday, September 24, 2007
Start at 9:00
09:00 Arnd Meyer Opening
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Chairman: A. Meyer
Room: “Schlossblick”
09:05 Lutz Tobiska Stabilization by local projection. Convection-diffusion and incompressible flow problems
09:55 Agnes Baran A high-order non-conforming finite element family
10:20 Matthias Wohlmuth Numerical Analysis of Stokes Equations with Improved LBB Dependency
Tea and coffee break 10:45 - 11:10
Chairman: L. Tobiska
Room: “Schlossblick”
New developments
Chairman: A. Rösch
Room: “von Taube”
11:10 Gert Lube Stabilized FEM for incompressible flows: Equal-order vs. inf-sup stable approximation Bernard Haasdonk Reduced Basis Method for Evolution Schemes with Nonlinear Explicit Operators
11:35 Gunar Matthies On streamline-diffusion methods for inf-sup stable discretisations of the generalised Oseen Problem Tammo Jan Dijkema Solving elliptic PDEs in high space dimensions
12:00 Hans-G. Roos Stabilized FEM and related difference schemes Lothar Nannen Hardy space infinite element method
12:25 Michael Roland Numerical Simulation of a Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Mikhail V. Popov Piecewise Parabolic Method on Local stencil
Lunch break 12:50 - 14:00
Mortar, Nitsche and Discontinouos Galerkin Methods
Chairman: R. Kornhuber
Room: “Schlossblick”
14:00 Peter Hansbo Stabilized mortar methods for interface problems
14:50 Roland Ernst Decoupling of Nonlinearities in Acoustic-Structure Interaction
15:15 Mika Juntunen An Unconditionally Stable Mixed Discontinuous Galerkin Method
15:40 Miloslav Feistauer On some aspects of the DGFEM for convection-diffusion problems
Tea and coffee break 16:05 - 16:30
Mortar, Nitsche and Discontinouos Galerkin
Chairman: M. Feistauer
Room: “Schlossblick”
Adaptive methods
Chairman: T. Apel
Room: “von Taube”
16:30 Herbert Egger On discontinuous Galerkin methods for convection-dominated elliptic problems Yaroslav Kondratyuk Adaptive Finite Element Algorithms of Optimal Complexity
16:55 Sebastian Franz A new Approach to Recovery of Discontinuous Galerkin Sabine Zaglmayr Equilibrated residual-based error estimators for Poisson and Maxwell's equations
17:20 Miloslav Vlasak Higher order time discretizations for scalar nonlinear convection-diffusion equation Matthias Grajewski A fast and accurate method for grid deformation
Short break 17:45 - 17:55
Mortar, Nitsche and Discontinouos Galerkin
Chairman: P. Hansbo
Room: “Schlossblick”
Adaptive methods
Chairman: M. Fröhner
Room: “von Taube”
17:55 Nicolas Jeannequin Adaptive High Order Nodal Finite Elements on Simplices For Electrocardiological Models Rene Schneider Anisotropic mesh adaption based on a posteriori estimates and optimisation of node positions
18:20 Martin Huber Simulation of Diffraction in periodic Media with a coupled Finite Element and Plane Wave Approach Oliver Sander Dune: The Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment
18:45 Beate Jung Nitsche mortaring for parabolic initial-boundary value problems J. Michael Fried Parallel Segmentation of Large Images via Level Sets
20:00 Conference Dinner
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Start at 08:30
Contact problems and large deformations
Chairman: M. Jung
Room: “Schlossblick”
08:30 Ralf Kornhuber First steps towards efficient and reliable simulation of the human gait.
Short break 9:20 - 9:30
09:30 Rolf Krause Nonsmooth Decomposition Methods for Frictional Contact Problems in Elasticity
9:55 Stefan Hüeber Mortar discretization for dynamical thermomechanical contact problems with friction
10:20 Andreas Rademacher Adaptive Techniques for Dynamic Contact Problems
10:45 Marcus Stiemer Finite element simulation of electromagnetic metal forming
Tea and coffee break 11:10 - 11:35
Chairman: H.-G. Roos
Room: “Schlossblick”
Chairman: O. Steinbach
Room: “von Taube”
11:35 Petr Knobloch On the definition of the SUPG parameter Matthias Maischak Mixed fem-bem coupling for non-linear transmission problems with Signorini contact
12:00 Friedhelm Schieweck The role of Nitsche type boundary conditions for edge stabilization and local projection method Dylan Copeland BEM-based FEM for Helmholtz and Maxwell equations on arbitrary polyhedral meshes
12:25 Piotr Skrzypacz Stabilisation methods of local projection type for convection-diffusion-reaction problems Helmut Harbrecht Sparse Second Moment Analysis for Potentials on Stochastic Domains
Lunch 12:50
14:30 Excursion
19:30 Dinner
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Start at 8:30
Fluid-structure interaction and Solver
Chairman: A. Meyer
Room: “Schlossblick”
08:30 Arnold Reusken Finite Element Techniques for Two-Phase Incompressible Flows
Short break 9:20 - 9:30
Fluid-structure interaction
Chairman: G. Lube
Room: “Schlossblick”
Chairman: T. Apel
Room: “von Taube”
09:30 Martin Ruzicka Interaction of a channel flow with a vibrating airfoil Sven Beuchler Overlapping Additive Schwarz preconditioners for degenerate problems
09:55 Petr Sváček On coupling of incompressible fluid and structure models in an aeroelastic application Astrid Sinwel Mixed finite elements for linear elasticity
Tea and coffee break 10:20 - 10:45
Chairman: A. Reusken
Room: “Schlossblick”
10:45 Manfred Dobrowolski On domain-robust preconditioners for the Stokes equations
11:10 Alexander Linke Non-Nested Multi-Grid Solvers for Mixed Divergence-free Scott-Vogelius Discretizations
11:35 Andriy Sokolov On discrete projection methods for rotating incompressible flow with Coriolis force
12:00 Olaf Steinbach Preconditioning of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems
12:25 Closing