Using Parallel Optimizers

This section tells you how to use ILOG CPLEX parallel optimizers. It includes sections on:

There are three specialized ILOG CPLEX optimizers-Parallel Simplex, Parallel MIP, and Parallel Barrier-implemented to run on hardware platforms with parallel processors. These parallel optimizers, like other ILOG CPLEX optimizers, are available in the Interactive Optimizer and in the Component Libraries, if you hold a ILOG CPLEX Parallel license.

Parallel barrier and MIP optimizers are included with all ILOG CPLEX libraries. The parallel dual simplex optimizer is only available in OpenMP® versions of the libraries (which will have _omp in the platform name). Additional compiler/linker flags may be needed when using the OpenMP versions of the libraries. Consult the makefile that is provided in the ILOG CPLEX distribution for your computer platform.

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