Test Interactively

The Interactive Optimizer in ILOG CPLEX (introduced in the manual ILOG CPLEX Getting Started) offers a reliable means to test the ILOG CPLEX component of your application interactively, particularly if you have prototyped your model. Interactive testing through the Interactive Optimizer can also help you identify precisely which methods or routines from the Component Libraries your application needs. Additionally, interactive testing early in development may also uncover any flaws in procedural logic before they entail costly coding efforts.

Most importantly, optimization commands in the Interactive Optimizer perform exactly like optimization routines in the Component Libraries. For an LP, the optimize command in the Interactive Optimizer works the same way as the cplex.solve() and CPXlpopt() routines in the ILOG CPLEX Component Libraries. Consequently, any discrepancy between the Interactive Optimizer and the Component Libraries routines with respect to the solutions found, memory used, or time taken indicates a problem in the logic of the application calling the routines.

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