

The routine CPXcheckchgcoeflist() validates the arguments of the corresponding CPXchgcoeflist() routine. This data checking routine is found in source format in the file check.c which is provided with the standard CPLEX distribution. To call this routine, you must compile and link check.c with your program as well as the CPLEX Callable Library.

Return Value

The routine returns a nonzero if it detects an error in the data; it returns a zero if it does not detect any data errors.


  int CPXcheckchgcoeflist (CPXCENVptr env,
                           CPXCLPptr lp,
                           int numcoefs,
                           const int *rowlist,
                           const int *collist,
                           const double *vallist);


The CPXcheckchgcoeflist() routine has the same argument list as the CPXchgcoeflist() routine. The second argument, lp, is technically a pointer to a constant LP object of type CPXCLPptr rather than type CPXLPptr, as this routine will not modify the model. For most user applications, this distinction is unimportant.


  status = CPXcheckchgcoeflist (env, lp, numcoefs, rowlist,
                                collist, vallist);

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