LP File Format

ILOG CPLEX provides a facility for entering a problem in a natural, algebraic LP formulation from the keyboard. The problem can be modified and saved from within ILOG CPLEX. This procedure is one way to create a file in a format that ILOG CPLEX can read. An alternative technique is to create a similar file using a standard text editor and to read it into ILOG CPLEX.

The ILOG CPLEX LP format is provided as an input alternative to the MPS file format. An LP format file may be easier to generate than an MPS file if your problem already exists in an algebraic format or if you have an application which generates the problem file more readily in algebraic format (such as a C application). "Working with LP Files" in the ILOG CPLEX User's Manual explains the implications of using LP format rather than MPS format.

ILOG CPLEX accepts any problem saved in an ASCII file provided that it adheres to the following syntax rules.

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