MST File Format

If you are licensed to use the ILOG CPLEX MIP optimizer, the MST file format is available to indicate MIP start values for specific variables. In an MST file, all integer variables must be declared with a value. An MST file begins with a NAME indicator record and ends with an ENDATA record.

Integer variables are specified, one per line. Names begin in column 5 or beyond. The variable name and its MIP start value must be separated by at least one blank space.

The start values in an MST file are used only if the MIPSTART parameter is set to 1 (one). In the Interactive Optimizer issue the command, set mip strategy mipstart 1. In the Callable Library, use the routine CPXsetintparam(env, CPX_PARAM_MIPSTART, 1). In the Concert Technology Library, use the method IloCplex::setParam(MIPStart 1).

Here is an example of an MST file:


x001 0

x002 1

x003 1

x004 1

x005 0

x006 1

x007 0

x008 1

x009 0


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