

The routine CPXaddrows() adds constraints to a specified CPLEX problem object. This routine may be called any time after a call to CPXcreateprob().

When adding a ranged row, CPXaddrows() sets the corresponding range value to 0. Use the routine CPXchgrngval() to change the range value.

Return Value

The routine returns a zero on success, and a nonzero if an error occurs.


  int CPXaddrows (CPXCENVptr env,
                  CPXLPptr lp,
                  int ccnt,
                  int rcnt,
                  int nzcnt,
                  const double *rhs,
                  const char *sense,
                  const int *rmatbeg,
                  const int *rmatind,
                  const double *rmatval,
                  char **colname,
                  char **rowname);


CPXCENVptr env

The pointer to the CPLEX environment as returned by CPXopenCPLEX().

CPXLPptr lp

A pointer to a CPLEX problem object as returned by CPXcreateprob().

int ccnt

An integer that indicates the number of new columns in the constraints being added to the constraint matrix. When new columns are added, they are given an objective coefficient of zero, a lower bound of zero, and an upper bound of CPX_INFBOUND.

int rcnt

An integer that indicates the number of new rows to be added to the constraint matrix.

int nzcnt

An integer that indicates the number of nonzero constraint coefficients to be added to the constraint matrix. This specifies the length of the arrays rmatind and rmatval.

const double *rhs

An array of length rcnt containing the right-hand side term for each constraint to be added to the CPLEX problem object. May be NULL, in which case the new right-hand side values are set to 0.0.

const char *sense

An array of length rcnt containing the sense of each constraint to be added to the CPLEX problem object. May be NULL, in which case the new constraints are created as equality constraints.

= 'L
= 'E
= constraint 
= 'G
= 'R
ranged constraint 

const int *rmatbeg

const int *rmatind

const double *rmatval

Arrays that describe the rows to be added. The format is similar to the format used to describe the constraint matrix in the routine CPXcopylp() (see description of matbeg, matcnt, matind, and matval in that routine), but the nonzero coefficients are grouped by row instead of column in the array rmatval. The nonzero elements of every row must be stored in sequential locations in this array from position rmatbeg[i] to rmatbeg[i+1]-1 (or from rmatbeg[i] to nzcnt -1 if i=rcnt-1). Each entry, rmatind[i], indicates the column index of the corresponding coefficient, rmatval[i]. Unlike CPXcopylp(), all rows must be contiguous, and rmatbeg[0] must be 0.

char **colname

An array of length ccnt containing pointers to character strings that represent the names of the new columns added to the CPLEX problem object, or equivalently, the new variable names. May be NULL, in which case the new columns are assigned default names if the columns already resident in the CPLEX problem object have names; otherwise no names are associated with the variables.

If column names are passed to CPXaddrows() but existing variables have no names assigned, default names are created for them.

char **rowname

An array containing pointers to character strings that represent the names of the new rows, or equivalently, the constraint names. May be NULL, in which case the new rows are assigned default names if the rows already resident in the CPLEX problem object have names; otherwise no names are associated with the constraints.

If row names are passed to CPXaddrows() but existing constraints have no names assigned, default names are created for them.


  status = CPXaddrows (env, lp, ccnt, rcnt, nzcnt, rhs,
                       sense, rmatbeg, rmatind, rmatval,
                       newcolname, newrowname);

See Also

Example lpex3.c in the CPLEX User's Manual.

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