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Computer Architectures and Systems
Computer Architectures and Systems 


Courses at Master's level

Advanced Platforms for Automotive Systems (En)

ECUs (Electronic Control Unit) are highly networked embedded systems that implement a variety of functions in the vehicle. Both the number of controllers and the networking between them are increasing steadily in modern vehicles...

Timing-Aware Programming for Embedded Systems (En) - discontinued

Since embedded systems usually have to react to changes in the embedding environment, they need to guarantee a correct timing behavior. For example, the Electronic Stability Program (ESP) in a car constantly monitors speed, grip, etc. of wheels and...

Design of Software for Embedded Systems (En)

Embedded systems play an important role in our every-day lifes. In general, they consist of microcontrollers, which are integrated in and control so-called embedding systems such as cars or planes. Since embedded systems strongly interact with their environment...

Hardware Development with VHDL (En) 

The paradigms and concepts to implement functionalities as combinatorial or sequential digital system are different from the concepts of imperative programming languages. This course outlines paradigms of hardware development...

Hochleistungs- und Parallelrechner (De) 

Unter Hochleistungs- und Parallelrechner (HLPR) versteht man im Allgemeinen die Praxis, die Rechenleistung auf eine parallele Weise zusammenzufassen, die eine viel höhere Leistung bietet als ein typischer Desktop-Rechner oder eine Workstation...


Research Seminar on Computer Systems (En)

In the research seminar, research topics are identified and worked upon. Students independently prepare a topic, present it for discussion and then write a seminar paper that meets scientific writing criteria. The main goal is to learn scientific methods.


Courses at Bachelor's level

Rechnerorganisation (De)

Fast alle praktischen Rechnerformen basieren auf wenigen elementaren Prinzipien und Konzepten. In diesen gleichen sich z.B. PCs, Server und auch viele eingebettete Lösungen. Je komplexer die Systeme werden, umso wichtiger ist ein systematisches Grundlagenwissen...

Rechnerarchitektur (De)

Fast alle praktischen Rechnerformen basieren auf wenigen elementaren Prinzipien und Konzepten. In diesen gleichen sich z.B. PCs, Server und auch viele eingebettete Lösungen. Je komplexer die Systeme werden, umso wichtiger ist ein systematisches Grundlagenwissen...


Advanced Seminar on Computer Systems (De)

In this seminar, individual aspects of a given problem area are identified and worked upon. Students independently prepare a topic, present it for discussion and then write a report. The main goal is to learn and/or improve presentation skills.