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Computer Architectures and Systems
Computer Architectures and Systems 


Thank you for your interest in our research activities. Below, you'll find some of the topics we are currently working on. If you have any question or require more information, don't hesitate to write us an e-mail to

For external projects currently ongoing on our professorship, visit the projects-page here.

Ongoing Projects

Stochastic Models for Open-Ended CPS 

In general, deterministic methods do not seem adequate for the design and analysis of open-ended CPS. Since the concept of open-ended CPS implies certain randomness - components join and leave the system at arbitrary points in time...

Safety/Security Co-Design 

CAN is probably the most successful bus in the automotive domain, especially, due to its low cost and robustness. However, with increasing connectivity, there is a need to encrypt data to avoid attacks such as Spoofing and Sniffing...


Closed Projects

Reliability in Uniderictional WSNs

With the advent of IoT, an increasing number of devices start exchanging information. This puts emphasis on wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to facilitate the interaction with the environment in varied application scenarios such as, for example, building and home automation among others...

Scheduling for Mixed-Criticality Systems

There is a trend towards consolidating software functions onto fewer processors in different domains such as automotive systems and avionics. Hence applications with different levels of criticality that used to run in isolation now start sharing processors...

Efficient Emergency Braking in Platoons

Platoons refers to vehicles closely following each other at short separations of 5 to 10 meters. The vehicles communicate and coordinate their actions through wireless exchange of messages containing critical information...