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Computer Architectures and Systems
Computer Architectures and Systems
Computer Architectures and Systems 

Safety/Security Co-Design for Automotive Buses


The automotive industry heavily relies on the controller area network (CAN) due to its low cost and robustness. However, as vehicle connectivity grows, CAN buses become more vulnerable to cyberattacks such as spoofing, sning, replay, and denial of service (DoS), compromising both safety and (cyber-)security.

Most existing attempts to secure CAN buses necessitate modifications to the hardware or protocol, which increase costs and complicate implementation, or they employ security schemes that negatively impact timing behavior and safety for both passengers and other road participants. In particular, attaching a long authentication tag can significantly increase the payload size. Consequently, multiple CAN frames (instead of only one) need to be sent for each message, introducing extra delays and potentially leading to deadline misses.


A typical automotive CAN configuration  & attack interfaces