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Professorship in Sociology with Specialization in Health Research

Profile of the professorship

Since winter semester 2013/2014 Dr. Peter Kriwy is professor for Sociology with focus on Health Research.

After his studies in Munich (Certificate Sociology), Peter Kriwy was employed as a research fellow in Munich at LMU and in Kiel at CAU. He worked in projects promoted by the DFG (German Research Foundation) and Leibniz Association. In 2006 he passed his doctorate at CAU Kiel. In this research project he examined the decision of parents to vaccinate their children against measles, mumps and rubella (German measles). Together with Gerhard Krug, he acquired third-party funds from the Robert Koch Institute in the field of the methodical basic research. Thus, surveys in mixed methods research could be examined. Since 2010 Peter Kriwy is board member and spokesman of the section of Medicine Sociology and Sociology of Health of the German Society for Sociology.

Research main focuses

  • Medicine Sociology and Sociology of Health
  • Regional Disparities
  • Social Change
  • Methods of the Empiric Social Research