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Institute of Human Movement Science and Health
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Institute of Human Movement Science and Health 

All Publications at the Institute of Human Movement Science and Health

Portrait: Lutz Baumgärtel
Lutz Baumgärtel
Reliabilität und Messfehler physiologischer Parameter beim Step Test : Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft: Band 298. Sport, Mehr & Meer: Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher VerantwortungNitzsche, Nico et al.2022
Comparison of maximum lactate formation rates in ergometer sprint and maximum strength loadsNitzsche, Nico* et al.2018
Comparison of Physiological Stress in Two Different Step Test Exercise Protocols in Elderly PeopleBaumgärtel, Lutz et al.2018
Reproducibility of Blood Lactate Concentration Rate under Isokinetic Force LoadsNitzsche, Nico* et al.2018
Acute Exercise-Associated Skin Surface Temperature Changes after Resistance Training with Different Exercise IntensitiesWeigert, Martin* et al.2018
The Effect of isokinetic Resistance Load on glycolysis RateNitzsche, Nico* et al.2017
The effect of a controlled exercise therapy on physiological parameters of energy metabolism in patients with major depression in the acute stageNitzsche, Nico* et al.2017
A comparison of the physiological stress in a multi stage step test with two different exercise protocolsBaumgärtel, Lutz* & Schulz, Henry2017
Einfluss der Methode zur Bestimmung des alaktaziden Zeitintervalls bei isokinetischen KraftbelastungenNitzsche, Nico* et al.2017
Acute Effects of Three Resistance Exercise Programs on Energy MetabolismNitzsche, Nico* et al.2017
Acute Effects of Different Strength Training Protocols on Arterial Stiffness in Healthy SubjectsNitzsche, Nico* et al.2016
Einfluss eines FES-Cyclings auf kardiorespiratorische Parameter in Abhängigkeit von der Trittfrequenz und StimulationBaumgärtel, Lutz* et al.2016
Physiologische Beanspruchung bei verschiedenen KrafttrainingsprotokollenNitzsche, Nico* et al.2015
Effects of exercise therapy in hospitalized patients with major depressive disorder on heart rate variability – a pilot studyNitzsche, Nico* et al.2015
Reliability of Maximal Lactate-Steady-StateHauser, Thomas et al.2012