Interkulturelle Kompetenzen im Berufsalltag: The truth behind cultural clashes in daily life

Zur Anmeldung

 Für Studierende (TU Chemnitz)
 Für internationale Studierende
Zeit:10:00 - 16:00
Trainer/-in:Dana Ritzmann
max. Teilnehmer:20
Ort:Career Service, Dittesstraße 15, 4. Etage, Raum 401

With the increasing ease of international work and studies, the dangers of miscommunication across cultures are intensifying. In our interdependent world, more than ever, it is important, to take time to understand the assumptions and intensions behind someone’s words or  action. It’s all about perception and deception – and about what is "normal".
In this workshop students are encouraged to mirror their daily life and come up with critical intercultural incidents. By taking a closer look on cultural clashes and reflecting their own attitude towards people of different backgrounds the students train their behaviour in a multicultural and globalized environment.

Workshop language: English