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Forschungscluster MERGE

Gastvortrag: Software engineering methods for resource-efficient enterprise lifecycle management

The focus of the lecture is software-related project lifecycle optimization based on software engineering methods and tools.
The lecture presents a methodology, which allows resource-efficient production, specifically for the large-scale software products. The methodology is based on extracting high-level enterprise patterns and applying them to series of implementations.
The approach includes a new model, which extends the conventional spiral lifecycle by formal models for data representation and management, and domain specific language-based tools. Some of the application areas include oil-and-gas resource planning, airline dispatching, and nuclear power production.
The lecture compares certain software lifecycle models and examines the factors for resource-efficient systems development by means of adjustment to project size and scope.
The lecture outlines the ways to resource-efficient software-related project lifecycles, and suggests certain troubleshooting advises.


Datum: 23. November 2015

Zeit: 15:30 - 18:45 Uhr (inklusive Pause)

Ort: Technische Universität Chemnitz, Reichenhainer Straße 90, 2/N101

Referent: Prof. Sergey Zykov, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moskau)

(Hinweis: Der Gastvortrag wird auf Englisch stattfinden.)

17. November 2015