

des DFG-Sonderforschungsbereichs 393

Numerische Simulation auf massiv parallelen Rechnern

Zeit: Freitag, 30.11.2001, 11:45 Uhr
Ort: Reichenhainer Straße 41, Zi. 238
Vortragender: Dr. Dirk Pleiter (DESY)
Thema: Teraflop Computers for Lattice Gauge Theory

For many problems in modern particle physics lattice gauge field theory offers the only known way to compute various quantities from first principles. Much progress has been made during recent years, e.g., in calculating the light hadron spectrum, the light quark masses, the running coupling constant alpha_s. Further-on, lattice simulations allow the study of non-perturbative phenomena like chiral symmetry breaking or confinement.

However, progress in this field is severely limited by the tremendous amount of required computer power. In order to make these resources available, various research groups engage in the development of supercomputers which are specifically optimized for their applications. In Europe computers developed by the APE (Array Processor Experiment) collaboration have been the main workhorse since several years. Currently the commissioning of several large installations of the most recent generation of APE computers, APEmille, is nearly finished. While at the same time the design of the next generation, apeNEXT, is almost completed.

Das Seminar wird von Prof. Meyer geleitet. Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen.

Gerd Kunert,