Special Issue of the IMACS Journal

Applied Numerical Mathematics

Selected papers of talks will be published in a special issue of the IMACS Journal
"Applied Numerical Mathematics". All papers will be peer reviewed.

The following points will guide you through the procedure.
  1. Papers can be about your talk. If you didn't give a talk you can submit a paper nevertheless.
  2. All papers will be peer reviewed.
    We will ask the symposium participants to review papers when appropriate.
  3. The length of the papers is as usual (i.e. around 20 pages should be ok).
  4. Authors will receive a copy of the Special Issue as well as 50 free reprints.
  5. The (preliminary) timetable of the production process is:
    Novemer 15, 2003: Submission of papers.
    December 15, 2003: Papers are reviewed.
    January 31, 2004: Submission of revised papers (where necessary).
  6. Manuscripts have to be prepared with Latex.
    Please use the Elsevier-LaTex package (FTP site with style files and instructions),
    see also Elsevier's instruction page for authors.
  7. Manuscripts (and questions) are to be sent to the organizers of the symposium at

Some minor details:
  1. Depending on the quality of the submitted papers, there will be a Best Junior Paper Award.
  2. Editor of the special issue will be Arnd Meyer.
  3. Copyright of the paper will rest with IMACS.

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