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Theoretical Physics - Simulation of new Materials

Theoretical Physics – Simulation of New Materials

Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt




Reichenhainer Straße 70
New Physics Building, room P307


Postal address:

Technische Universität Chemnitz
Institut für Physik
AG Simulation neuer Materialien
D - 09107 Chemnitz




Physics in Chemnitz over the years

The Institute of Physics is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. Reason enough to take a glance at the Institute's past and take a closer look at the history of physics at Chemnitz University of Technology: The Institute of Physics was established at the Hochschule für Maschienenbau(HfM) in 1954, just one year after the HfM was founded in 1953. As a result of the 3rd university reform in 1963, the Institute became the Physics/Electronic Components Section (PEB). From the fall of 1963, it trained physicists at the TH Karl-Marx-Stadt. In 1974/1975, the Weinhold Building was completed, which was to become the home of the Institutes of Physics and Electrical Engineering for the next 33 years. In 1992/93, a total of 10 new professorships were added to the existing 7 physics professorships as part of the relaunch of the universities in Saxony. In 2008, the time had come and the physics department moved into its new institute building. This year also marked the start of the staged Bachelor's and Master's degree in physics. In 2010, the Bachelor's/Master's degree course in Sensorik und kognitive Psychologie was launched, which remains particularly popular to this day and is the course with the largest number of students at the Institute of Physics.
